Student writing at LRC desk

What type of writing help do we offer?

  • Idea development
  • Topic/thesis development
  • Organization
  • Research strategies
  • Proper citation methods (APA and MLA)
  • Grammar and punctuation concepts

What type of tutoring is available?

  • Synchronous in the form of face-to-face meetings or live chat via Zoom.
  • Asynchronous in the form of email feedback. The goal for turnaround is 48 hours.

Writing Center FAQ

What type of writing assistance can students expect?

  • We accept all types of academic writing, including but not limited to writing assignments for 森林的核心 classes, outlines for speeches, lab reports and longer pieces of writing such as Master’s theses.
  • Master’s thesis help is easy to set up throughout the semester but not within days before it is due.
  • Help with take-home exams will only occur with prior permission from the instructor.

Is grammar and editing help available?

绝对! Our tutors will pick one or two problems that repeat throughout the writing and teach a lesson on how to correct them. The tutors will also explain and model editing strategies so that you can work toward editing your work. Grammar issues are considered a lower-order concern, so tutors will generally work with larger issues first, but when needed or requested grammar issues will be addressed.

What are the expectations and limitations?

Whether on campus or online, students are expected to take an active role in all steps of the brainstorming and revision process. The tutors’ role is to teach and help the tutees grasp the concept at hand. They provide substantive feedback without overwhelming the student and without being an editing service. Unless ADA accommodations state otherwise, students are expected to take their own notes during the tutoring session. 例如, if a student’s thesis statement is missing, the tutor will explain why the missing thesis is a problem and then write a lesson based around writing an effective thesis statement.

How can the Writing Center help faculty?

  • Classroom workshops (research techniques, plagiarism, source use, etc.)
  • Attend department meetings to discuss how the writing center can help your majors
  • 访问 individual classes to discuss Writing Center services with students

Writing Center Hours

Writing 辅导 is happening by appointment only. Appointments can be either in person or virtual and may be made 24 hours in advance. Schedule an appointment

学生 may also email assignments to for email feedback.